Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Got Faith?

I was just reading through the 11th chapter of Hebrews which is known as the Hall of Faith. I challenge you to read it for yourself. The phrase "by faith" starts each sentence about the individual that the writer is speaking about. I love reading through this chapter every once in a while to remind myself that God did amazing, miraculous things through these ordinary men and women, that have a nature just like ours.
They were obedient to what God had called them to do, even when they didn't have all the details and instructions or anything that often holds us back from going "all in" for God.
What kind of faith do I have? What kind of faith do you have?

I thought about another passage of Scripture that has a subtitle: The Cost of Discipleship found in Luke 9. The conversation went like this: Jesus I will follow You wherever You go...but first I need to go and bury my father. Another person said, I need to go say goodbye to my family first. That sounds like all of us doesn't it? Well, I guess I should speak for myself; I am so good at making excuses. Listen to Jesus' response to these people: "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

The message I believe putting these to two things together is: You can be like those who trusted God even though they couldn't see the future, but who knew the One who did hold the future. Or you can be like these that SAID they wanted to follow Jesus but put conditions on that.

God wants us to TOTALLY trust Him...you in?

1 comment:

  1. Such a great reminder Pastor Matt! This is the very thing that is always at the heart of my relationship with God…my way or His. Demand nothing, surrender everything type of living!! :)
