Monday, January 6, 2014

Sooooooo, what resolutions did you make?

With a new year comes resolutions that we make to start or stop this or that. Yesterday, Pastor Mike preached on this very subject; and did a fabulous job I might add. He quoted Jonathan Edwards who said: "I have 2 New Year's resolutions: Resolution #1 - I will live for God. Resolution #2 - If no one else does, I still will."
I love that!
Pastor Mike listed the top 10 resolutions that Americans made this year and there really weren't any that had to do with God whatsoever.
I don't ever make any resolutions each year, but if I did I would probably include some that were in the top 10 list as well - lose weight, get fit an healthier, and so on.
I guess the question should be for all of us - why don't we include God in our New Year's resolutions? If we call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ, can't we all improve on our relationship with Him each and every day? It supposed to be our top priority, isn't it?

I suggest we echo the words of Jonathan Edwards - Let's live for God, whether anyone else does or not! Let's all make it our number 1 goal to spend more time reading His love letter and asking Him for guidance and direction as we pray each and every day!


Let's all do this:
1 Peter 2:2 As a newborn baby desires milk, that we may GROW in our salvation.

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